First day home
Uncategorized August 3rd, 2013Nevada just came home! The walking (or almost a hopping run) is going fantastic. She’d been using mostly 3 legs for a while, so we’re having no problems there. Our main issue right now is nausea. She got a new injection last night at the vet which they believe is what’s making her throw up, possibly due to being allergic to it or something on that order. They said she was fine for the first 36 hours. They gave her an IV bag of fluids before we picked her up. But it makes me a little nervous with the vet’s office being closed (of course the ER vet is open) and knowing if/when she’s gotten too dehydrated. She had a decent amount of watery vomit that came up a short while ago. Before we left the vet they gave her an injection to help with nausea that should last 2 weeks, but we’re still not over it. If anyone has knowledge about dogs being dehydrated and signs we should look for, would love any advice!
August 4th, 2013 at 12:30 am
Nevada is beautiful and looks great!
Has she been drinking since she came home? Keep a close eye on the elasticity of her skin. If you can pinch a little in your fingers and it doesn’t jump back to normal that is usually a sign there is some dehydration going on.
Hang in there and keep us updated.
Luanne & Shooter
August 4th, 2013 at 1:41 am
Hi, so glad your girl is home! What a lot of confusing info for you to have to sort through! Nevada’s leg should be sent in for a biopsy of everything: bone, lymph nodes etc so you should know what you’re dealing with. Do you like and trust your vet? Is your vet in private practice or with a group? Sometimes a group is better. Also are you near a teaching hospital or university vet school? If it’s cancer are you going to do chemo? Just some things to think about.
I think some ways to tell if a dog is dehydrated is to:
1. Gently pull her skin up on the back of her neck; normally it just falls back into place, but if it takes a minute she could be.
2. Feel her gums, if they are kind of dry and sticky, she also could be.
You can try to give her gatorade or pedialyte (it’s for kids) if you want to keep her electrolytes balanced. Good luck. You have come to the right place for support and encouragement!
My dog Oscar (a mastiff) had his leg amputated last wed (cancer) and I had to bring him back thurs and he had to have surgery yest because he had a major infection. The support on this site really keeps me going.
You’re right about this site though: it’s wacky sometimes.
Oscarsmom (Lora) Oscar and Gus (his brother)
Keep us posted!
August 4th, 2013 at 1:48 am
She looks pretty good! I hope you dont’ need to worry about dehydration. Here’s a link about how to tell if she is though:
Give Nevada a big hug from us. At some point we’ll need to show you how to shrink down your photos so they don’t take over your blog posts so much. Meanwhile here’s a blog post about how to resize your images before you post:
Hope this helps!
August 4th, 2013 at 5:11 am
She is such a lretty girl! And her little buddy is adorable too!
WELCOME HOME NEVADA! Let the healing begin!
Not sure what the link hs in it that Jerry shared, but I’m sure it mentioned pullimg the skin up on the back of her neck. It should”fall back” fairly quckly….guess “bounce back” is a better way to say it. I also doubt she would get this dehydrated in such a short amount of time.
The nauseated feelng may be the pain meds. What was the injection they gave her and is that when she started throwing up? The anesthesia could be the culprit also.
Does she act like she wants to eat anything at all or just acts nauseous?
Hopefully you’ll see her tummt settle down by tomorrow.
She’s home being loved and spoiled and still pretty high on hospital meds. Now, you’ll most likely have a pretty tough week ahead…some sleepless nights, adjusting pain meds, etc.
Her incision looks really, really good by the way!
Oh yeah, you may want to put some scatter rugs down so she won’t slip.
But Nevada is home! Good job everyone!
Look forward to more great updates…..and photos!
We like celebrating first poops and pees around here so let us know when it’s time to party:-)
Sending calming hugs your way,
Sally and Happy Hannan
August 4th, 2013 at 2:40 pm
Thanks for resizing the pictures! They were huge! I’ll read how to fix them for next time.
Nevada seems a little more active today, we may be in pacing mode. She did eat the small amount of hamburger/rice that the vet wanted us to try to get her to eat. Plus just took a couple licks of water, so that’s good Hopefully it will stay down today so we can give her more. She pooped at the vet’s, but that was back before she was nauseous and not eating. She peed this morning and tried pooping, but nothing came out. There can’t be much in her system with the vomiting she had been doing. The tent of her skin did bounce back, but her gums feel dry to me. So hard to know. You can’t tell in the pictures I posted, but she is one that came back with the really dark purple bruising under the incision. It did slightly move down about an inch since last night. It kind of worries me that she’s still bleeding? Unless the blood that’s in there can still move and be settling elsewhere. The extra inch or so isn’t as dark as the center, it’s a little more of a patchy coloring. Sucks that this is a Sunday and our vet isn’t open to ask questions. There is a local ER vet, but the couple times I’ve called them before, they’re quick to want you to bring your dog in. I suppose it’s hard to comment over the phone, but it kind of feels like they want to make sure they get their $ by having you come in.